Saturday, July 6, 2013

Home For Sale By Owner - PRAYER REQUEST

Partners in Prayer and Ministry!

104 General Lee Dr., Vivian, LA 71082
We have a huge prayer request. As you know, we have been needing to sell our home. Just recently, we changed our listing to "For Sale By Owner." Many of you may have already seen our blog that details info about the house ( PLEASE PRAY that God sends us the buyer for this home this month. We pray that this is God's will and ask you to join with us in prayer. God knows His timing, and His timing is best, because His timing and ways take into account more than just our family of four. He sees the whole picture all the time. We do pray that God would release us from this house note ASAP and greatly appreciate your prayers toward this end as well. Feel free to share our "home4sale" blog with any and everyone. THANK YOU!!!

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