Thursday, November 14, 2013

On Time And In His Time

Happy Thanksgiving! 

We are excited to announce our imminent departure to the Center for Intercultural Training or, simply, CIT. About an hour from Ashville, North Carolina, we will spend the next four weeks taking a class called Equipping for Cross-Cultural Life & Ministry. During the coming weeks we will study and learn about spiritual warfare, cross-cultural awareness and communication, culture stress, reentry, and other subjects. Maleah will also be engaging in similar instruction on her own level. And Grace will enjoy playing with fellow missionary toddlers in a daycare on campus. These next few weeks will be very important to our preparation as missionaries, and we really look forward to how the Lord will continue to shape our hearts through this time. Please pray for God’s blessing and protection, and please pray that we will truly be more equipped to live and to minister among new people groups with new languages and cultures. THANK YOU!
As a note, we will not be leaving at the end of December with the Vivian team as we had hoped and prayed. God has a will and a timing that is better than ours (Isa. 55:8-9; Jer. 29:11). Please pray that we keep within His will and His timing. We just want to get to Burkina ON-TIME and in HIS TIME. Please pray that our house sells ASAP, ON-TIME and in HIS TIME. Please pray that we raise the remainder of our support needed to go, which right now is around 31% left. And please pray for our language learning. We have begun to make strides forward in learning French. 
THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS, YOUR LOVE, AND YOUR SUPPORT!!! We know that God has a really good work prepared for us that lies ahead, and we want to be ready for it and walking in it ON-TIME and in HIS TIME.

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