From bottom to top:
BLACK representing our sin...
RED representing the blood of Jesus shed for the forgiveness of our sins...
WHITE representing the righteousness accredited to us after we recognize our sinfulness, repent of our sin, believe God's love for us and His way to salvation through Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection, and call upon the Lord to forgive and save us...
GREEN representing the new life God brings us through repentant faith and the work of the Holy Spirit He gives us when we believe and are saved...
And GOLD representing the certain hope of Heaven we have, that the day is coming when we will be with the Lord, the One who died and rose again for us, in Heaven forever!
What an awesome and beautiful interior design of a church!!! The supporting beams running down the center are also painted. The first is black, the second red, and so on until you reach the platform and a gold pillar. The entire curved wall of the platform is painted gold also.
What a beautiful picture of how, when we sinners come to the Lord repentant and needing Him, He cleanses us, makes us whole, and brings us back into joyous fellowship with Himself. The Gospel that, by grace through repentant faith, saves us once for all time, is also the Gospel that daily restores and shapes us our lives for His glory and our good.

What a beautiful picture of how, when we sinners come to the Lord repentant and needing Him, He cleanses us, makes us whole, and brings us back into joyous fellowship with Himself. The Gospel that, by grace through repentant faith, saves us once for all time, is also the Gospel that daily restores and shapes us our lives for His glory and our good.

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