Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Reaching Forward to What Lies Ahead...

We are excited to announce a new YouTube that we have put together. It gives an overview of Burkina Faso, the ministry of Shattering Darkness, and the work that lies ahead for us once we get on the field.

We are also excited to announce our partnership with Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC). All partnership funds can now come to us through them. Just a couple of notes regarding giving: CMC has a secure online giving option called Click&Give. To learn about how to give in this way, please watch the last 2 minutes of the YouTube. It explains it step by step. There you can set up recurring payments, only make sure to give on the date you would like to have the gift taken out each month or else it will take it out twice for that first month (Ex., on the 10th of the month, you give a gift and set up the recurring gift for the 15th of the month each month for 4 months. If you do this, you will be drafted for both the 10th and the 15th of that same month.). Also, if you use Click&Give and would like your giving to show up for that month in which you gave, you will need to give before or on the 20th of that month. 

For those who would like to give through the mail, please contact me for an individual or church donor form that needs to accompany all first-time gifts: emanning.contact@gmail.com. I will send the appropriate form to you ASAP.

THANK YOU FOR YOU LOVE, PRAYERS, AND PARTNERSHIP! God has called us, and He is using you to help fulfill His calling. THANK YOU!

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